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Together we can make a difference for Charlestown’s kids!

Charlestown Community Cares (CCC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in January 2023 by longtime Charlestown resident Martina Nessen to connect low-income youth and their families living in the Charlestown BHA with well-established community programs, enrichment opportunities, and resources.

Charlestown is becoming an increasingly wealthy neighborhood, with the average household income in 2022 hovering around $177K, yet the average household income for a family living in the BHA is only $14K.
While we are encouraged by the amount of progress we have been able to make working intensively with a small group of families, there are over 2,000 children in the Charlestown BHA who deserve similar access to Charlestown’s opportunities and resources. As one mother put it to Martina, “If I had known you 4 years ago, maybe my oldest daughter would have graduated high school.”